Monday, July 17, 2006

Intel Steps Up!

So Intel has released the anticipated next installment in its dual core processor line, known as the Core 2 Duo, and the results are actually impressive. You can get a whole bunch of information about the new processor, including specs, test results, etc. here. The tests and performance ratings are looking very promising. It is about time that Intel put out a good desktop processor. Most people who are somewhat tech savvy converted to AMD a while back, and Intel has seemed to be nipping at their heels ever since (except in the mobile processor category, Intel has so far cornered that market). Well, it appears that Intel may have just stepped it up a notch, all of the benchmark tests show that the new Intel processor significantly out performs AMD.

So here is the question, is the new Intel Core 2 Duo enough to silently convert diehard AMD disciples over to Intel? I tend to think not. It is not likely that AMD will simply sit back and let Intel lead the race, we will see AMD's answer to the Core 2 Duo soon enough. In the mean time, I am hoping to see some prices drop on the current AMD processors I have had my eye on. Like the AMD Athlon 64 FX60. Gotta love competition.


Anonymous said...

AMD all the way baby!

Marc said...

Wow... you're a geek. ;)

Rabble-rouser said...

Marc: I have never made a claim to the contrary. However, your comment seems to be the proverbial pot calling the kettle black. ;) Maybe just slightly different flavors of geekness?

Marc said...

But am I calling you or Shaun a geek?