Sunday, September 17, 2006

The Season Has Started.

For those of you who actually frequent my blog, you have probably noticed a significant decrease in posting activity. Well, I only have one excuse; fall semester is in full swing and the fact that this is my final semester to complete my Bachelor's makes it a busy one. It doesn't help that the only professional sport (football) that I actually get in to just barely started too. So, in the spirit of that, let me just say, "Go Broncos!" Alright, enough of that!

I was debating whether or not to put all of the books I am reading for school in my currently reading section. In case you haven't noticed I decided that the answer was, "yes." I figure if I am not regularly posting on here at least you can think that I am really busy with all of the books that I am reading. My leisure reading, Whoever Fights Monsters is still in the mix, I read it during my fleeting moments of spare time.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

I really need to get practicing because this is my goal.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Net Neutrality: Protect Your Right to a Neutral Internet!

Large phone and cable companies like Verizon and AT&T (who own a majority of the fiber optic and copper lines that internet traffic travels on) are currently planning to start charging a premium rate to large content providers in order to ensure higher bandwidth and priority over other internet traffic. These companies want to dramatically change the internet and how you use it. Presently, the internet is considered neutral. This means that all traffic on the internet has equal priority; no site’s content or company’s traffic has anymore priority over anybody else’s.’s internet traffic does not travel faster or have any higher priority over’s.

If these phone and cable company giants get there way, the internet will become a two tier system, with the top tier being reserved for large companies and service providers who can afford to pay the premium price for high bandwidth and reliable content delivery. The second tier would be sub-par at best, offering mediocre bandwidth and inconsistent reliability. A good analogy of this is if the internet is a road, the top tier would be the information super highway and the second tier would be a dirt road. If this happens start-up companies and small businesses will struggle or fail because they cannot afford the same internet rights as the big corporations. Those of us who use the internet to blog, create our own websites or connect with people across the globe can be greatly affected too. Inevitably these premium costs will get passed down to the consumer.

Don’t just sit back and let this happen! Currently there are bills in congress, which if passed, can protect your right to a neutral internet. However, these network giants are padding the pockets of greedy politicians who don’t feel that net neutrality is as important as the almighty dollar. Fight for your right to a neutral internet! Help keep the internet the way it was intended, a free open network that everyone can utilize. Make your voice heard, and let your representatives know how you feel. Click here to find out how you can contact your local Congress and Senate representatives and let them know that you support internet neutrality. Or you can visit the It’s our net website and find out more and how you can get involved, they also have a pre-written letter that you can attach your name to and send to your representatives.

Please don’t take this matter lightly; this is an issue that everyone who uses the internet should be concerned with!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Copy Cat

I admit it, I completely copied Marc on this one. But I was inspired and I think that it is a great idea. I am always talking about wanting to read more. However, I let other things get in the way, like television. So, I am copying Marc's idea with the new side bar on my blog that shows what I am currently reading and what I have recently read. My goal is that I will keep the books that I am reading constantly cycling. Perhaps, if the same book sits there on the side bar for too long I will be motivated to read it and move on to the next book. Marc, thanks for the inspiration.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

A Vision of the Future!

I think that I may have foreseen my own death. I am going to die in a fiery inferno while sitting at my office computer busily working away!

I have come to a startling and horrific realization today... the office building that I work in has absolutely no form of early fire detection and warning system. As in, no smoke detectors or any other type of fire related detectors. Maybe it is just me, but I find this to be frightening and ridiculous. Personally I think it is a good idea to be warned that a fire may be present before being engulfed in flames. It doesn't help any that the building we are in is falling apart, and we have experienced more than a few natural gas leaks in the building.

The most ridiculous part of all is that the company that I work for actually has a division that installs, configures, and tests fire alarm systems. The costs to install such a system would be minimal.

Please No Open Flames!

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Rant Department!

Okay, another one from the rant department. I don't know if other states have this problem but it is definitely a big thing here in Utah. What I am referring to is the signs that people make with big plastic cups in the chain link fencing along walkways and other sorts of bridges that span in the air across freeways and other major roads. These signs usually say something like "Welcome Home Matt," or "Welcome Home some other boy's name." I tend to think these are usually directed at returning Mormon missionaries.

The first couple of times that I saw one I actually thought that they were sort of clever, now they are just getting really old. It is really not even the signs that bug me, it is the fact that the same sign sits up there for weeks and weeks, until a strong wind blows the cups away, a poor city worker has to go clean them up, or some other person rearranges them into another person's name.

I have come to a realization that nobody ever goes and takes the cups out of the fence after they have been there for a week or so. I really don't care if you want to make a sign for somebody who has been gone for awhile, but clean up after yourselves people. The fact that people don't ever take their signs down is what really bothers me. In my opinion it is along the same line as graffiti or, at the very least, it is littering!

I am tempted to try an experiment. I want to go and make a sign myself that expresses some sort of derogatory theme perhaps with a four letter exclamatory and see how long it actually sits up there for every passerby to see before people get fed up with it being up there.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Intel Steps Up!

So Intel has released the anticipated next installment in its dual core processor line, known as the Core 2 Duo, and the results are actually impressive. You can get a whole bunch of information about the new processor, including specs, test results, etc. here. The tests and performance ratings are looking very promising. It is about time that Intel put out a good desktop processor. Most people who are somewhat tech savvy converted to AMD a while back, and Intel has seemed to be nipping at their heels ever since (except in the mobile processor category, Intel has so far cornered that market). Well, it appears that Intel may have just stepped it up a notch, all of the benchmark tests show that the new Intel processor significantly out performs AMD.

So here is the question, is the new Intel Core 2 Duo enough to silently convert diehard AMD disciples over to Intel? I tend to think not. It is not likely that AMD will simply sit back and let Intel lead the race, we will see AMD's answer to the Core 2 Duo soon enough. In the mean time, I am hoping to see some prices drop on the current AMD processors I have had my eye on. Like the AMD Athlon 64 FX60. Gotta love competition.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Next time maybe do a little research.

This commercial still cracks me up everytime I see it.
So, I have to wonder if anybody actually reads this thing. Am I posting stuff on this blog for the entertainment of others or solely for my own selfish fulfillment? What does it really matter though? Whether I write for my own gratification or for the enjoyment of others, I will continue.

Lately a fellow blogger friend of mine has been posting a lot of conspiracy theory stuff particularly regarding the whole 9/11 episode. Check them out here. I have to say, I found many of the ideas he brings to light interesting, but I don't think that I buy into the whole inside job thing. I don't believe that our own government is responsible for the attacks on the World Trade Center. Don't get me wrong though, I am not saying that I do not think that our government is corrupt. I think there is plenty of corruption in our government. However, I do not believe that they would go as far as to kill so many US citizens to fulfill some sinister motive. I definitely believe that there is corruption in the FDA, particularly with the pharmaceutical companies. And there is corruption between the government and the oil companies. Perhaps I will have to explore those avenues in future posts, I will do some research and make a post devoted to one of those subjects. In fact, I am inspired, I need to start posting about some subjects that I am passionate about; like the problems with western medicine, the corruption and greed of the pharmaceutical companies, and of course computers.

But, in the meantime, here is another poem from my old book of poetry. I think that this is one of my personal favorites.

Wisdoms Decayed

Icy fingers grope,
Tearing at frustration.
Through the never ending abyss,
Of misery and pain.
Memories surface;
Love one existing,
Extinct in its greed.
Trust is foolish.
Look what it got me!
Burning photographs;
Death, by fire.

© Dec. 29, 1995

Monday, June 19, 2006

The Next Installment

Here is another poem that I wrote back in 1997.


Panic sets in,
Panic's begun.
Inner soul thought,
Astonishing movement.
A handful of Lust.
A mouthful of lies.
Choke on these words:

© Oct 9, 1997

Sunday, June 18, 2006

A Poet And He Didn't Even Know It!

I was recently going through some boxes and a came across an old journal that I used to write poetry in; this stuff is from 1995-97. I decided that I would share a few of them with you here on my blog. Unfortunately I haven't written any poetry since this time period.

Red No. 3 1/2

Face in face.
Weak soul,
Neglected in your ignorance.
Kill my pain.
A cracked view.
A cracked mirror.
My cracked skull,
And your cracked soul.

© Oct 9 1997

Friday, April 21, 2006

Okay, so I am getting a little out of control but I couldn't resist posting both of these too. The guitar is awesome and there is something not right with that dancer.

Urban Ninja

I want to be an Urban Ninja! That is my new goal!

My Neighbors

Hey, I think I live by these guys!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Chairman of the Hood

This commercial is great! Very funny! This is me on my way to a business meeting. In case anybody is wondering, my wife says that I would be the guy in the back seat.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Some People Don't Get It

I have recently been shopping the internet for a stick of RAM for my Thinkpad T43. I am sure most of you are well aware that in the computer market there are several different manufactures to choose from when making a purchase. When I am trying to decide what is going to be the best product for my buck I like to read the reviews of other people who have purchased and used the product. They usually list what they liked about the product and if there are any possible cons. In my hunt for a stick of RAM I came across this review on NewEgg:

Pros: great stuff

Cons: too hard to open, REQUIRE sisscor

Reviewed By: N/A, 1/25/2006 9:34:53 AM
This reviewer reports that his/her technical understanding of this type of product is somewhat high and has owned this product between 1 month to 1 year.

Notice the cons, it was too hard to open and required the use of scissors? Who Friggin' cares? I don't want to know about how the package was too tough for your stubby digits to open, therefore, you were forced to open the drawer and remove those heavy pair of scissors in order to open your package, god forbid. I want to know about the product. Did it run okay? Any errors? Any querks or bugs? Tell me about those things not the stupid package. Did the package protect the RAM during shipping? Then it fullfilled its purpose. If the package did not fullfill its purpose, that may be a justifiable concern.

When I read a review I want it to be about the product, not personal issues regarding the product that have nothing to do with quality.

Happy Anniversary!

Yesterday was our 7th Wedding Anniversary, my wife's and mine, that is. It is interesting to look back over the last seven years and realize how much we and our lives have changed. We have grown and matured together and gained knowledge we didn't know existed. It was been a wonderful seven years and I look forward to seven more.