Monday, September 14, 2009

My Brain Goes on Tangents

Those that know me, know that I often go off on tangents. Well, most often I just keep those tangents to myself and I go off on a tangent in my brain.

Tonight my wife and I were working in the kitchen and my wife is talking about needing 8 cups of water.

Wife: "Two, four, six, eight."
Me: "Who do we appreciate?"
Wife: "Nolan!"
Me: Tangent

My wife is waiting for me to reciprocate with her name or something but I just smile silently lost in my brain tangent.

I started thinking about the commercial for Starbucks Double Shot Espresso drinks where the guy "Hank" is going to work, interview, presentation, something and he has a cheering section and a mascot of himself following him around, cheering him on. Only in my head instead of them chanting "Hank! Hank!" its, "Nolan! Nolan!"

I found the commercial on Youtube. I think it's pretty funny, cracks me up!

Nolan! Nolan! Nolan!


Melanie said...

Wow, an actual POST! And YES YES YES! You are the tangent man. Like the muffin man, only less squishy and way more creative. (See? Tangent, right there for your enjoyment!)

Zaltana said...

So ... you never quite got to the reciprocation part did ya!?!?


PK - Dadddddd said...

what choo talkin bout Willis?