Wednesday, August 06, 2008

It Takes a Man to be a Dad!

Another commercial that has caught my attention lately. I love this commercial! IT has a great message and is very well done. Makes me chuckle.


Melanie said...

Oh my gosh, I LOVE IT!!!! I love the message and the cheer and the little girl, but mostly I love the way that dad dances! Fantastic.

Zaltana said...

So funny! I love how our kids have started to do this little cheer on a daily basis. Especially Gunnar's rendition! I can totally see you doing this with Sienna in a few years!! :)
Love ya!

Anonymous said...

This is GREAT! and hilarious.
I left my hair grow one time so Wendy, and the other girls could put my hair in curlers. So, you can imagine that one. Anyway, whatever it takes to be a good Dad, right?
You are a great Dad and Daddy to your kids. Way to go Noland, no sea, no air.
Love ya.

Zaltana said...

Time for a new post babe!!