Saturday, October 13, 2007

Good Tunes!

Every once in a while a new song comes along that I think is really, really good. This is one of them. I think the whole sound is very cool and original. Love the guitar, the vocals, the whole ensemble! The video is a little eh, but the song rocks! Have a listen for yourself. Gunnar loves it, he freaks out whenever I play it. And when it is over he says, "Again daddy, again!" In fact, tonight he had a complete breakdown when I wouldn't play it again and made him go to bed.


Mike Bohn said...

Digged the song... but where can I get one of those body suits? You know, for halloween.

Rabble-rouser said...

For Halloween, right. You can borrow mine.

Melanie said...

Sweet! Gunnar has good taste. Love the snakey weird people in unitards.

Zaltana said...

Video killed the radio star!

I love this song, but the video is a bit of a disappointment. It is not at all how I pictured it should be danced to.

Oh well. To each his own, right?

Marc said...

Good times.