Saturday, March 11, 2006

Some People Don't Get It

I have recently been shopping the internet for a stick of RAM for my Thinkpad T43. I am sure most of you are well aware that in the computer market there are several different manufactures to choose from when making a purchase. When I am trying to decide what is going to be the best product for my buck I like to read the reviews of other people who have purchased and used the product. They usually list what they liked about the product and if there are any possible cons. In my hunt for a stick of RAM I came across this review on NewEgg:

Pros: great stuff

Cons: too hard to open, REQUIRE sisscor

Reviewed By: N/A, 1/25/2006 9:34:53 AM
This reviewer reports that his/her technical understanding of this type of product is somewhat high and has owned this product between 1 month to 1 year.

Notice the cons, it was too hard to open and required the use of scissors? Who Friggin' cares? I don't want to know about how the package was too tough for your stubby digits to open, therefore, you were forced to open the drawer and remove those heavy pair of scissors in order to open your package, god forbid. I want to know about the product. Did it run okay? Any errors? Any querks or bugs? Tell me about those things not the stupid package. Did the package protect the RAM during shipping? Then it fullfilled its purpose. If the package did not fullfill its purpose, that may be a justifiable concern.

When I read a review I want it to be about the product, not personal issues regarding the product that have nothing to do with quality.

Happy Anniversary!

Yesterday was our 7th Wedding Anniversary, my wife's and mine, that is. It is interesting to look back over the last seven years and realize how much we and our lives have changed. We have grown and matured together and gained knowledge we didn't know existed. It was been a wonderful seven years and I look forward to seven more.